thanks Ann for sending these!

Here's another idea:
For a 50th wedding anniversary, the children of the couple sent out 4 x 6 cards to friends of the parents 2 months ahead of the party. Each friend or relative was asked to write a little something on the card; how and when they had met or why they remained close for so long, even a funny story. They could use both sides of the card since it was to go on the revolving holder. They were asked to send back the finished card with at least one 4 x 6 picture. Then one of the daughters compiled the cards into categories; friends or family and put the picture of the person(s) in a sleeve and hung it after each card. (We would suggest to send along an extra card for mistakes) She said that it was so fun to get the cards back and read what they had wrote about her parents.
Now who wouldn't love to have that gift!
Check back'll want to see this one.
love it - my photo/stamp holder came today and i cannot wait to start on it xxxx
Just have to say again I LOVE these.Thanks for the ideas.
Keep the ideas coming. I love working or it's not working.....I love having fun with mine.
Pure eye candy:) Thanks 4 sharing.
Thanks for the ideas!!!
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