The Great Lamp Auction and Raffle
3 months before Creative Escape all the current and past CE teachers were sent a very plain (and we really mean plain) Ikea lamp to decorate in our our style to raise money for the leukemia and lymphoma society. The only stipulation was that it had to fit back in the same box it came to us in. There were so many different styles of fabulous lamps to choose from! The attendees could purchase raffle tickets and then drop their tickets into the box of the particular lap they wanted to win.
Debbie's lamp
Paula's lamp

Then came the final dinner where Tim and Heidi's lamp's were auctioned. If you have ever been to a live auction you might understand the auction fever that can happen. It was great fun seeing the people getting so excited about the lamps and raising money for the leukemia and lymphoma society.
Would you believe that Heidi's lamp sold for $8,000 and Tim's lamp sold for $29,000?
Big money but for a great cause.
What a one could stop talking about it.
These lamps are just lovely! And I'm in awe of the generosity of people for a good cause!
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